For FUT Bank, we created a readily accessible banking application that gives both users and banks a seamless experience. A powerful scalable core banking application, it gave the bank the control it needed while making sure the user experience was absolutely smooth and simple.
Right from the wire-frame design upwards, we worked on designing an accessible interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. Whether bill payments, money transfers or checking balance, our design made the FUT Bank app one you can definitely bank on.
As a scalable core banking application, Fut Bank app
development includes iOS and Android versions, web
applications, system emails, marketing materials, and more.
Have all your expenses recorded on one platform. Fut Bank app provides a
unified payment experience with various payment options, reminders,
multiple account integration, options to defer payments and more.
FUT is designed with reachability in mind. User
behavior is studied and all primary actions are
placed in a comfortable reach area with just one
finger and secondary actions are placed little further.
Important information is displayed at the top.
Not only functionality, Fut Bank provides for
aesthetic appeal also. Dark mode protects your eyes
by emitting less light and also saves battery life. You
can switch between the two with just a swipe.
Fut Bank automatically fetches all the bank accounts
of your beneficiaries instantly with just a mobile
number or a social media account. You can perform
any inter and intra bank payments quickly and